The Jordan B. Peterson Jewish Question Calculator

This calculator calculates the percentage of Ashkenazi Jews in a population sample (such as the billionaires of the United States), based on the thesis of Jordan B. Peterson's essay on the Jewish Question: "Jewish people are over-represented in positions of competence and authority [and influence] because, as a group, they have a higher mean IQ".

A potential source for mean IQ by race: 'The Bell Curve' (Herrnstein & Murray, 1994) pp. 273–278. The mean IQ data from this source have been pre-loaded below; feel free to alter them. (Note: East Asian refers only to Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans).

A potential source for general population demographics is Wikipedia. The demographic population data for the USA has been pre-loaded below.

To omit a demographic from the calculation, simply leave one or more of the relevant fields blank.

Mean IQ by Race Output Calculation
Mean Ashkenazi Jewish IQ:

Enter some data and click the 'Recalculate' button below.

Mean White IQ:
Mean East Asian IQ:
Mean Latino IQ:
Mean Black IQ:

General Population Demographics
Ashkenazi Jewish Population Size:
White Population Size:
East Asian Population Size:
Latino Population Size:
Black Population Size:

Population Sample
Sample Name (optional):
Minimum IQ Required:
Number of Ashkenazi Jews:
Number of Whites:
Number of East Asians:
Number of Latinos:
Number of Blacks: